vmam module

VLAN Mac-address Authentication Manager

vmam is a command line tool which allows the management and maintenance of the mac-addresses that access the network under a specific domain and a specific VLAN, through LDAP authentication. This is based on RFC-3579(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3579#section-2.1).

Usage for command line:

vmam [action] [parameter] [options]

config {action}: Configuration command for vmam environment

    --new/-n {parameter}: Instruction to create a new configuration file. By specifying a path, it creates the
    file in the indicated path. The default path is /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    $> vmam config --new
    Create a new configuration in a standard path: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    --get-cmd/-g {parameter}: Instruction to obtain the appropriate commands to configure your network
    infrastructure and radius server around the created configuration file. By specifying a path, get
    the file in the indicated path. The default path is /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    $> vmam config --get-cmd
    It takes instructions to configure its own network and radius server structure,
    from standard path: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

start {action}: Automatic action for vmam environment

    --config-file/-c {parameter}: Specify a configuration file in a custom path (optional)

    $> vmam start --config-file /home/arthur/vmam.cfg
    Start automatic process based on custom path configuration file: /home/arthur/vmam.cfg

    --daemon/-d {parameter}: If specified, the automatic process run in background

    $> vmam start --daemon
    Start automatic process in background based on standard path: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

mac {action}: Manual action for adding, modifying, deleting and disabling of the mac-address users

    --add/-a {parameter}: Add a specific mac-address on LDAP with specific VLAN. See also --vlan-id/-i

    $> vmam mac --add 000018ff12dd --vlan-id 110
    Add new mac-address user with VLAN 110, based on standard configuration file: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    $> vmam mac --add 000018ff12dd --vlan-id 111
    Modify new or existing mac-address user with VLAN 111, based on standard configuration
    file: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    --description/-D {parameter}: Add description on created mac-address

    $> vmam mac --add 000018ff12dd --vlan-id 110 --description "My personal linux"
    Add new mac-address user with VLAN 110, based on standard configuration file: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    --remove/-r {parameter}: Remove a mac-address user on LDAP

    $> vmam mac --remove 000018ff12dd
    Remove mac-address user 000018ff12dd, based on standard configuration file: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    --disable/-d {parameter}: Disable a mac-address user on LDAP, without removing

    $> vmam mac --disable 000018ff12dd
    Disable mac-address user 000018ff12dd, based on standard configuration file: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    --force/-f {parameter}: Force remove/disable action

    $> vmam mac --remove 000018ff12dd --force
    Force remove mac-address user 000018ff12dd, based on standard configuration file: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    --vlan-id/-i {parameter}: Specify a specific VLAN-id

    $> vmam mac --add 000018ff12dd --vlan-id 100
    Add new mac-address user with VLAN 100, based on standard configuration file: /etc/vmam/vmam.cfg

    --config-file/-c {parameter}: Specify a configuration file in a custom path (optional)

    $> vmam mac --remove 000018ff12dd --config-file /opt/vlan-office/office.cfg
    Remove mac-address user 000018ff12dd, based on custom configuration file: /opt/vlan-office/office.cfg

--version/-V {option}: Print version and exit

--verbose/-v {option}: Print and log verbose information, for debugging

Usage like a module:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from vmam import *

# activate debug
debug = True

# define log writer
wt = logwriter('/tmp/log.log')

# start script
debugger(debug, wt, 'Start...')

# connect to LDAP server
conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\admin', 'password', tls=True)
ldap_version = check_ldap_version(bind, 'dc=foo,dc=bar')

for mac in get_mac_from_file('/tmp/mac_list.txt'):
    debugger(debug, wt, 'create mac address {}'.format(mac))
    # create mac address
    dn = 'cn={},ou=mac,dc=foo,dc=bar'.format(mac)
    attrs = {'givenname': 'mac-address',
                'sn': mac,
                'samaccountname': mac
    # create mac-address user
    new_user(bind, dn, **attrs)
    # add mac user to vlan group
    add_to_group(bind, 'cn=vlan_group100,ou=groups,dc=foo,dc=bar', dn)
    # set password and password never expires
    set_user(bind, dn, pwdlastset=-1, useraccountcontrol=66048)
    set_user_password(bind, dn, mac, ldap_version=ldap_version)


Matteo Guadrini <matteo.guadrini@hotmail.it>


  1. Matteo Guadrini. All rights reserved.

Logger object than write line in a log file

Parameters:logfile – Path of logfile(.log)
Returns:Logger object
>>> wl = logwriter('test.log')
>>> wl.info('This is a test')
vmam.debugger(verbose, writer, message)

Debugger: write debug and print verbose message

  • verbose – verbose status; boolean
  • writer – Log writer object
  • message – String message

String on stdout

>>> wl = logwriter('test.log')
>>> debugger(True, wl, 'Test debug')

Confirm action

Parameters:message – Question that expects a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer
>>> if confirm('Please, respond'):
...    print('yep!')

Open YAML configuration file

Parameters:path – Path of configuration file
Returns:Python object
>>> cfg = read_config('/tmp/vmam.yml')
>>> print(cfg)

Get a platform (OS info)

Returns:Platform info dictionary
>>> p = get_platform()
>>> print(p)

Create a new vmam config file (YAML)

Parameters:path – Path of config file
>>> new_config('/tmp/vmam.yml')
vmam.bind_ldap(server, user, password, *, tls=False)

Bind with user a LDAP connection

  • server – LDAP connection object
  • user – user used for bind
  • password – password of user
  • tls – if True, start tls connection

LDAP bind object

>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> print(bind)
vmam.check_connection(ip, port, timeout=3)

Test connection of remote (ip) machine on (port)

  • ip – ip address or hostname of machine
  • port – tcp port
  • timeout – set timeout of connection


>>> check_connection('localhost', 80)

Check YAML configuration file

Parameters:path – Path of configuration file
>>> cfg = check_config('/tmp/vmam.yml')
vmam.connect_ldap(servers, *, ssl=False)

Connect to LDAP server (SYNC mode)

  • servers – LDAP servers list
  • ssl – If True, set port to 636 else 389

LDAP connection object

>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'], ssl=True)
>>> print(conn)

Unbind LDAP connection

Parameters:bind_object – LDAP bind object
>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> bind.unbind()
vmam.query_ldap(bind_object, base_search, attributes, comp='=', **filters)

Query LDAP

  • bind_object – LDAP bind object
  • base_search – distinguishedName of LDAP base search
  • attributes – list of returning LDAP attributes
  • comp

    comparison operator. Default is ‘=’. Accepted:

    Equality (attribute=abc) =

    Negation (!attribute=abc) !

    Presence (attribute=*) =*

    Greater than (attribute>=abc) >=

    Less than (attribute<=abc) <=

    Proximity (attribute~=abc) ~=

  • filters – dictionary of ldap query

query result list

>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> ret = query_ldap(bind, 'dc=foo,dc=bar', ['sn', 'givenName'], objectClass='person', samAccountName='person1')
>>> print(ret)

Determines the LDAP version

Parameters:bind_object – LDAP bind object
Returns:LDAP version code: MS-LDAP or N-LDAP or LDAP
>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> ret = check_ldap_version(bind)
>>> print(ret)
vmam.new_user(bind_object, username, **attributes)

Create a new LDAP user

  • bind_object – LDAP bind object
  • username – distinguishedName of user
  • attributes – Dictionary attributes

LDAP operation result

>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> new_user(bind, 'CN=ex_user1,OU=User_ex,DC=foo,DC=bar', objectClass='user', givenName='User 1', sn='Example')
vmam.set_user(bind_object, username, **attributes)

Modify an exists LDAP user

  • bind_object – LDAP bind object
  • username – distinguishedName of user
  • attributes – Dictionary attributes

LDAP operation result

>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> set_user(bind, 'CN=ex_user1,OU=User_ex,DC=foo,DC=bar', givenName='User 1', sn='Example')
vmam.delete_user(bind_object, username)

Modify an exists LDAP user

  • bind_object – LDAP bind object
  • username – distinguishedName of user

LDAP operation result

>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> delete_user(bind, 'CN=ex_user1,OU=User_ex,DC=foo,DC=bar')
vmam.set_user_password(bind_object, username, password, *, ldap_version='LDAP')

Set password to LDAP user

  • bind_object – LDAP bind object
  • username – distinguishedName of user
  • password – password to set of user
  • ldap_version – LDAP version (LDAP or MS-LDAP)


>>> conn = connect_ldap('dc1.foo.bar')
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> new_user(bind, 'CN=ex_user1,OU=User_ex,DC=foo,DC=bar', givenName='User 1', sn='Example')
>>> set_user_password(bind, 'CN=ex_user1,OU=User_ex,DC=foo,DC=bar', 'password', ldap_version='MS-LDAP')
>>> set_user(bind, 'CN=ex_user1,CN=Users,DC=office,DC=bol', pwdLastSet=-1, userAccountControl=66048)
vmam.add_to_group(bind_object, groupname, members)

Add a member of exists LDAP group

  • bind_object – LDAP bind object
  • groupname – distinguishedName of group
  • members – List of a new members

LDAP operation result

>>> conn = connect_ldap('dc1.foo.bar')
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> add_to_group(bind, 'CN=ex_group1,OU=Groups,DC=foo,DC=bar', 'CN=ex_user1,CN=Users,DC=office,DC=bol')
vmam.remove_to_group(bind_object, groupname, members)

Remove a member of exists LDAP group

  • bind_object – LDAP bind object
  • groupname – distinguishedName of group
  • members – List of a removed members

LDAP operation result

>>> conn = connect_ldap('dc1.foo.bar')
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> remove_to_group(bind, 'CN=ex_group1,OU=Groups,DC=foo,DC=bar', 'CN=ex_user1,CN=Users,DC=office,DC=bol')

Convert MS filetime LDAP to datetime

Parameters:filetime – filetime number (nanoseconds)
Returns:datetime object
>>> dt = filetime_to_datetime(132130209369676516)
>>> print(dt)

Convert datetime to LDAP MS filetime

Parameters:date_time – datetime object
Returns:filetime number
>>> ft = datetime_to_filetime(datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1))
>>> print(ft)

It takes the date for synchronization

Parameters:timedelta – Time difference to subtract (string: 1s, 2m, 3h, 4d, 5w)
Returns:datetime object
>>> td = get_time_sync('1d')
>>> print(td)

Convert string date to datetime

Parameters:string – Datetime in string format (‘dd/mm/yyyy’ or ‘mm/dd/yyyy’)
Returns:Datetime object
>>> dt = string_to_datetime('28/2/2019')
>>> print(dt)
vmam.format_mac(mac_address, mac_format='none')

Format mac-address with the specified format

  • mac_address – mac-address in any format
  • mac_format

    mac format are (default=none):

    none 112233445566

    hypen 11-22-33-44-55-66

    colon 11:22:33:44:55:66

    dot 1122.3344.5566


mac-address with the specified format

>>> m = format_mac('1A2b3c4D5E6F', 'dot')
>>> print(m)
vmam.connect_client(client, user, password)

Connect to client with WINRM protocol

  • client – hostname or ip address
  • user – username used for connection on client
  • password – password of user

WINRM protocol object

>>> cl = connect_client('host1', r'domain\user', 'password')
>>> print(cl)
vmam.run_command(protocol, command)

Run command to a WINRM client

  • protocol – WINRM protocol object
  • command – command to run on client

Output of command

>>> cl = connect_client('host1', r'domain\user', 'password')
>>> cmd = run_command(cl, 'ipconfig /all')
>>> print(cmd)
vmam.get_mac_address(protocol, *exclude)

Get mac-addresses to remote client

Parameters:protocol – WINRM protocol object
Returns:list mac-address
>>> cl = connect_client('host1', r'domain\user', 'password')
>>> m = get_mac_address(cl)
>>> print(m)

Get the last user who logged in to the machine

Parameters:protocol – WINRM protocol object
Returns:user string
>>> cl = connect_client('host1', r'domain\user', 'password')
>>> u = get_client_user(cl)
>>> print(u)
vmam.check_vlan_attributes(value, method='like', *attributes)

Check VLAN attributes with like or match method

  • value – value to check
  • method – ‘like’ or ‘match’
  • attributes – list of attributes


>>> conn = connect_ldap(['dc1.foo.bar'])
>>> bind = bind_ldap(conn, r'domain\user', 'password', tls=True)
>>> user = query_ldap(bind, 'dc=foo,dc=bar', ['memberof', 'description', 'department'],
                     objectClass='person', samAccountName='person1')
>>> ok = check_vlan_attributes('business', user[0].get('attributes').get('description'))
>>> print(ok)
vmam.get_mac_from_file(path, mac_format='none')

Get mac-address from file list

  • path

    Path of file list. Mac-address can write in any format.

    file example (/tmp/list.txt):


    # mac of my Linux


    # this macs is

    # other pc of my office



  • mac_format

    mac format are (default=none):

    none 112233445566

    hypen 11-22-33-44-55-66

    colon 11:22:33:44:55:66

    dot 1122.3344.5566



>>> get_mac_from_file('/tmp/list')

Convert LDAP Kerberos timestamp LDAP to datetime

Parameters:timestamp – kerberos timestamp string
Returns:datetime object
>>> dt = timestamp_to_datetime('20200903053604Z')
>>> print(dt)

Convert datetime to LDAP Kerberos timestamp

Parameters:date_time – datetime object
Returns:kerberos timestamp string
>>> ft = datetime_to_timestamp(datetime.datetime(1986, 1, 25))
>>> print(ft)